BDC Fixed Income Table

The BDC Fixed Income Table has been a staple at our sister publication - the BDC Reporter - for years, listing all active BDC Baby Bonds (aka publicly traded, fixed rate, unsecured notes), including their latest and historic prices as well as all key information about yield, maturity dates, ratings (if any) etc. We are adding this resource to BDC Best Ideas because we've decided to include recommending Baby Bonds when appropriate.

There are currently 31 fixed income issues available to regular investors and which can be traded like common stocks - each with a ticker. That brings to 77 the total number of BDC stock and bond issues we have to choose from overall. (As of January 28, 2025)

Are Baby Bonds the right choice for all would-be BDC investors? No. However, for the more conservative investor or someone who believes common stocks may be over-valued but wants to remain invested within this sector, bonds are an intriguing alternative with a very different set of risks and returns. Now our challenge is to identify the best choices in this increasingly crowded field and at a time when medium-term rates are going haywire...

For access to the BDC Fixed Income Table, click here.